Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lots of NEW News...

Okay. First of all, I must address the fact that I have litterally abandoned this blog. Not intentionally ofcourse, but life just gets in the way. The last time I posted, Lexie was 2 months old. Wow...she just turned 5 months! I will post a few pictures at the bottom of this post. Since my post on "Learning to Manage", I have yet to solve that mystery! I am still working full time, Hubby is still working the opposite shift & I still haven't found a good routine to keep up with laundry & house work. About a month back, I kind of broke down on a friend about feeling swamped & overwhelmed. She is a mother of two and didn't care a bit to explain to me that those things that were once so easy and important to keep up with, well they just don't rate where they used too. I felt a lot better once we had our pep talk. I have discovered that earning the income & spending time with my family is of way more importance than a few clean dishes or a pile of clothes! So although I do not have a fancy system to keeping all things in order, I have learned the more important lesson.
Okay, on to NEW news! I don't think you are ready for this one! Nearly a month ago, I started noticing that I was just simply down & out. No known or particular reason, just feeling blah. I also noticed that my feelings were easily distraught. My wonderful BFF advised that I should take a pregnancy test. My first reaction, "ooooh nooo way!" Well, despite my denial...I took one to please her. Ofcourse, I was pregnant again! Yes, you heard that correctly...PREGNANT. I now have a 5 mth old little girl & a baby on the way! I will not act as though I wasn't shocked, scared, concerned...because I was. I think I still am. I went to the doctor a week ago for the first ultrasound. Everything looked good and I am due on June 8th, 2011. That is EXACTLY one year & two days after Lexie's due date. YES, my children will litterally be ONE year apart. I have had mixed emotions running through my head ever since the day I found out I am expecting again.

I am by NO means, wishing I wasn't pregnant. I am very happy & blessed to be expecting another baby! It just seems so sureal. I guess because I just had a baby 5 months ago. I was just pregnant and now I am pregnant again. I can feel the excitement starting to build a little more day by day. I think everything will fine. The Lord would never give me more than I can handle but ofcourse like anyone else, I doubt myself...thinking "Can I reeaally handle this?". Then I snap out of it and realize that I have to and I can and I will! I am excited for Lexie to be a big sister & we are hoping for a baby boy this time because this is IT for us. We'll be happy either way though...boy or girl. Just keep us in your prayers & baby too ofcourse.

As for Lexie, she is doing wonderful! This baby has been an angel, litterally. She has slept through the night since a little over a month old. She isn't fussy or whiney. Lexie can do all sorts of things now, it just amazes me how fast they grow & change! She can hold her head up, coos and goos, holds toys, rolls over, and can nearly sit up on her own already! I adore this part of being a Mother. I love watching all of the new things they do each day. Children are so much smarter than adults give them credit for. She is such a smiley baby, I love to hear her chuckle! I really believe that she will be a "Daddys Girl". She seems to be well on her way! One thing I have noticed is she only wants Mommy to put her to bed at night. She fights everyone else. Although that probably isn't the best does give me a certain sense of satisfaction. It lets me know that I mean something special to her! I can't believe on November 26th, my baby girl will already be a half of a year old, time flies so fast!!

Well, that is my short but full update on how things have been the past few months. I intend to post more often now. I apologize, maybe I'm not a true blogger but I do enjoy the occassional vent session =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

That Smile

Lexie is over two months old already! Time truly does fly by. She is holding her own head up & smiling like crazy. Man, that smile makes my day, everyday! No matter how chaotic life may become, going home & seeing that smile makes it all worth while. She also discovered her hands. I love when I catch her sucking her thumb, I know it's not a good habit but it is kind of cute! She had her two month shots on Monday. My little trooper barely cried & fell asleep afterwards and slept pretty much all day! She weighs 11.9 pounds & she is TWO feet long (24 inches). I can't believe my two month old child is two feet tall, Lol! She is going to be tall like her daddy. When Lexie was born, everyone thought she looked just like Chris. Over the last month, she has turned into a mini me. Christopher doesn't like it much, but everyone goes on about how she looks just like me, I love it haha! I think we will have her pictures done again when she is 3 months. Below are some pictures from month 1 & 2.

1 month

2 months

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Learning to Manage

Okay, I've been a mommy for two months now & I still feel overwhelmed! It's not because I have don't have enough help. For instance, I began this blog on July 25th and I'm just now working on it...August 5th. Unsure how to describe what I am feeling. After my 6 weeks of maternity leave, I came back to work. I was fine until I started back to work. Now, I feel as though my world won't stop spinning. Work has been so overwhelming which doesn't make things easier at all! I can clean my house & by the next's a disaster again. My mountain of laundry neeever seems to fade regardless of how hard I try to keep up. I guess it's just hard to adjust once you have a baby. Maybe some pointers or advice?

Just bare with me, because I seriously need this vent session. While I was on maternity leave, I felt so at ease because I was home all the time with Lexie & able to keep the house/laundry in order. I guess I am starting to feel like a failure. Lexie, of course is taken care of. She is & always will be my first priority, but I feel as though I can't keep up with the rest of my life & make time for me too. To fill you in, my husband is a neat freak, he works evening/night shifts. I'm starting to feel like I am letting him down by not playing the wifely/motherly role of keeping the house up to par. Uhg, I know that sounds silly & it's not a huge deal. I guess I just wish I could be super mom like so many other women I know. How do I get there? When do I get there? I figured after 2 1/2 months, I would be able to develop some type of routine.

I am not a person who likes to be out of control of my element. I am OCD but I do like to have somewhat of a plan & routine to my days. Lexie is a wonderful baby, she isn't high maintenance. The only time that little girl fusses is when her belly hurts or she's hungry. She sleeps all night, allowing me to sleep the night through but with everything I need to do, I usually don't get in bed til 12 or 1 and have to be up at 6:30am. So yeah, not much rest coming out of that. Maybe it isn't something I can master. Maybe I won't be able to get everything under control. Maybe I will just have to learn to adapt to a new way of life...a beautiful mess. Hahaha!

As I said, any advice is greatly appreciated!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Say NO To Solicitors!

Yes, I'm complaining already & I haven't had this blog but a meer 24 hours. I am thinking of posting a NO SOLICITING sign on my front door! Not even 15 minutes upon arriving home from a long day at work, I get a knock at the door. As I open it, I do not recognize the face that stands before me so I immediately think to myself (Greaaat, someone is selling something...). She hands me a bottle of Dawn dish detergent & says "I'm with such n such company and we are just out in the neighborhood today to hand out free gifts & introduce ourselves". I say thank you as she proceeds to explain that her company is offering one room of floor cleaning for free with no obligation. I explain to her that I rent the home (with hardwood floors) and I don't think it would be best incase the floor were to get scratched. She ofcourse, practically begs to do our living room floor. At this point, my temper is beginning to spike. I tell her once more "I'm sorry, but no thank you". That's when she starts the typical lines of BS that I am honestly not buying for a second. She says "We just need one more floor so that we can end our day", "The boy in the van only makes a small amount to come out & do this", "Could we come back a different day after you speak with your land lord?". OMG, I understand that everyone has a job & I am definetly not knocking a working person but are you serious!? When someone says no, that usually does really mean no. To top it all off, at the end of our 15 minute floor cleaning debate she proceeds to kindly TAKE BACK the bottle of dish detergent & politely says "Do you mind if I give this to another nice neighbor?"! Shocked, so I didn't say my thought at the time. I handed this dish soap back & told her to have a good day. As I sat in the house & stewed for a few afterwards. My aggrivation turned into madness! Not that I cared one bit about a bottle of dish detergent but come on now, as a company trying to introduce themselves to the community...I don't think it is very proper to pass out a free gift & retrieve it when I deny the services being offered to me! How rude! Not only that, I did not ask them to come knock on my door! Looking back, I sooo wish I would have said, Nope I think I'll keep this lovely free gift from your wonderful company & slammed the door! Maybe it was just the icing on the cake from the "wonderful" day that I was already having but that just jerked my chain! Okay, I'm done venting for now. I promise that not every post I do will be a gripe session but sometimes a woman needs to let it out!

A Quick Look Back...

I'm new at this, please bare with me =)

I just wanted to give a quick recap of my life that has developed into my little family over the last two years. I began dating my now husband (Christopher) in December of 2008. We were engaged in April of 2009 and we married in June of 2009. Our little bundle of joy, Alexis Danielle was born on May 26th, 2010. She is now almost 2 months old, time is flying by already! Reality has hit me like a ton of bricks recently. I'm a mommy & a wife, something I've always dreamed of but never knew I'd have! On that note, the rollercoaster of life begins!